Monday, October 19, 2015


One immediate consequence of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco was the outbreak of numerous fires which spread for three days throughout the area. However, the city was spared from being totally consumed by a massive inferno by the fact that some of the buildings were constructed by settlers during the Gold Rush out of redwood trees. While not absolutely fireproof, the redwood's low resin content and porous grain which soaks up moisture makes it much harder to burn than most woods. In all directions of the city, the fires were slowed down and finally conquered whenever they encountered buildings made out of this miraculous timber.

Notwithstanding the above, there was still substantial damage to the area, with approximately 80% of the buildings destroyed. Some of the structures were burned down deliberately by their owners whose property was damaged by the earthquake itself,  as these particular persons had fire insurance but had failed to purchase earthquake coverage.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


One of the things the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI enjoys most during his retirement is spending quality time with his beloved Chico. Chico is a black and white cat which Benedict had to leave behind in his personal home in Germany when he went to live in Vatican City. Benedict, a devout lover of felines, was informed that no cats were allowed in the Papal Apartments, and he allegedly complied with that regulation.

You would think that if you were asked "Well, who elected YOU Pope?" and you could legitimately respond, "the College of Cardinals," you could keep one lousy little cat around, but apparently you would be wrong.

Chico is actually a replacement Chico. Chico the First was an orange cat who lived in the Pope's hometown and was a friend of the Pope when the Pope was merely Joseph Ratzinger. This Chico allegedly wrote a children's book about the Pope from the viewpoint of a cat, but it is suspected that the real author was Jeanne Perego. Chico the First died after a long happy life of 17 years. 

Rumor also has it that Benedict's relationship with the current Chico cannot be classified as exclusive and that the Holy Father may have had some other feline action on the side, including the winsome Contessina pictured below (who, as you can see, is also black and white).

Thursday, October 15, 2015


One of the elements in the rightfully-popular HBO series Game of Thrones is a trio of dragons raised by the ambitious butt-kicking female character Daenerys Targaryen, also known appropriately as the "Mother of Dragons." Although I have not read the books upon which the series is based, I feel safe in predicting that ultimately the control of the dragons in this medieval fantasy world will have an impact similar to the advantage Napoleon would have had had he had access to a group of B-52 bombers (wow, see if YOU can make a sentence with that many "hads" so close together).

At the risk of shattering the illusions of viewers of this show, I am hereby revealing that the dramatic dragon sequences contained therein were NOT filmed using real dragons. They are computer graphics. The artists/technicians responsible for the graphics used and manipulated chicken carcasses as the templates and models for the actions performed by the dragons.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


One of the most perverse illnesses to be transmitted by an ectoparasite is vectored by the lone star tick. Specifically, persons who have enjoyed consuming mammalian flesh for decades can, if they had been bitten by a lone star tick weeks or months before, suddenly develop allergic reactions ranging from a mild rash or vomiting to a life-threatening anaphylaxis shock three to six hours after they eat a juicy pork chop, yummy hamburger, or any other delicious red meat. Red meat contains a sugar called alpha-gal, and for some currently unknown reason, the tick bite can provoke a person (or a dog) to develop antibodies against the alpha-gal and suffer an allergic reaction upon chowing down on a succulent porterhouse or the like.

For further information on this weird affliction, please click here.

Friday, October 9, 2015


"Bushusuru" is the Japanese term for vomiting in public.  It was introduced into that language after George H. W. Bush became ill at a state dinner in Tokyo in January 11, 1992.

For a video of that embarrassing event, please click here. Why you would want to do so is an entirely different issue altogether.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


The Lincoln automobile was created by Henry Leland.
The Cadillac automobile was created by Henry Leland.