Saturday, February 8, 2025


As anyone with a modern electronic key fob for a car which unlocks/locks the doors, blows the horn, flashes the headlights, and opens the trunk etc. knows, there is obviously a limit to the range of the signal. However, what not everyone realizes is that you can extend the range that the fob works by using your head. Specifically, if you jam the fob next to your skull when you are operating it, it will function at a greater distance than normal.

Essentially, regardless of whether or not you have a mind full of mush, it is always also saturated with water molecules. When the fob is next to your head, the electromagnetic waves causes the positive and negative ions in the water to oscillate in the same pattern as the electromagnetic waves, and your brain becomes a giant antenna which amplifies the signal of the key fob.*

As demonstrated in this video by Professor Roger Bowley of the University of Nottingham, you can get a similar effect by holding the fob next to a gallon jug of water.

Therefore, the next time you lose track of where you parked your car in a large lot, cram the fob next to your temple and press the appropriate buttons until you hear the horn or see the lights.

*Kinda makes you wonder what keeping a cell phone pressed to your head for long periods of time is doing to those ions in your brain, doesn't it?

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