Monday, February 17, 2025


Steve from Washington, DC, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Castoreum, as the term is used by zoologists, refers to a mixture of beaver urine and the yellow secretion of scent sacs found between the anus and genitals of the adult beaver. Beavers use the substance to mark their territories.

Castoreum, when used for industrial applications, usually has the urine eliminated (so to speak) and just consists of the contents of the scent sacs. 

One of the major purchasers of castoreum is food manufacturers, who use it as a flavor additive for, among other things, vanilla ice cream and raspberry candies and pastries. It is often found in the list of ingredients as "natural flavoring."

I for one am trying to envision the circumstances which led to the happy discovery for this particular use of the product. "Hey Darrell, come take a lick down here right at the base of the tail. It tastes just like vanilla ice cream!"

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