Saturday, August 1, 2015


One phenomenon which has recently gained internet notoriety is "cats in circles." Specifically, if you place a circle of roughly two feet (60 cm) in diameter on the floor, your family feline will PROBABLY (it is a cat, after all!) come sit within it. It does not matter if the circle is made with bricks, clothesline, duct tape, Kiwi fruit, shotgun shells, or even a magic marker--you will find the cat inside of it in a matter of minutes.

To test this strange hypothesis, I borrowed Picard, my daughter's good cat (she also has an evil one, who would probably enter a circle only if it were composed of my freshly-eviscerated entrails). I took off my belt, buckled it together, and, while tightly holding my britches up with one hand, placed the loop on the floor. Within moments, Picard entered the room and plopped himself within the circle formed by the belt, as can be seen in the above photo.

Why do cats to this? Click here for a variety of theories. I myself gave up years ago trying to figure out what makes kitties tick.

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