Monday, May 16, 2016


Most pet owners are well aware that their dogs and cats have a pair of anal glands situated, appropriately, considering the name, around the anus. These secrete a clear albeit smelly fluid that serves as the animal's individual calling card. A canine or feline sniffing another's rear end is merely trying to get better acquainted. Occasionally, the glands can get impacted or infected, in which case the pet owner at that time often wishes he or she had opted for a goldfish instead.

We've also learned about the delightful product from beaver anal glands. However, why don't humans also have anal glands? Actually, they do, although they are not as prominently displayed as in dogs and cats. Like the human appendix, they are primarily vestigial and serve little function. As with dog and cat anal glands, they can get impacted or infected. They do secrete fluid at times of stress, but what this actually accomplishes is unclear.

For more information on the fascinating topic of canine anal glands, click here. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrew dedman mi5 can be found on google and is the worst form of anal gland
